Cool Silicon at the EU-Taiwan Event on Industry of the Future

Submitted by Nadja Dehne on 05 July 2017

Frank Bösenberg represented the cluster Cool Silicon at the EU-Taiwan Event on Industry of the Future in Brussels where more than 100 Taiwanese representatives from government, industry associations, major research institutes and universities as well as large enterprises and SMEs attended.

From June 26 to 27, the European Commission, the European Cluster Collaboration Platform and Silicon Europe Worldwide jointly organized the EU-Taiwan Event on Industry of the Future in Brussels. Cool Silicon was chosen as one of the European clusters which got their travel to the event funded by the European commission.

Within a two-minute pitch, Frank Bösenberg had the opportunity to present Cool Silicon and its special features. Afterwards, he spoke to various potential Taiwanese cooperation partners in a C2C-Matchmaking (Cluster-to-cluster). Next to these meetings, seminars on Circular Economy, 5G and Smart Manufacturing were held. In the latter, the CEO of Cool Silicon's member Fabmatics GmbH, Heinz Martin Esser, presented newest robotic technologies for semiconductor fabs. Moreover, Christoph Kögler, Head of Innovation at T-Systems Multimedia Solutions, spoke about the planned Smart Systems Hub in Dresden intensively promoting the location in front of the Taiwanese delegation.

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