Consortium mentoring tools and methodology inventory

Submitted by VEGEPOLYS VALLEY on 29 October 2020

This document aims at framing the work to be done in TRACK Task 4.3 Internationalisation Mentoring led by AgroTransilvania Cluster.
The main objective of the Deliverable 4.4 is to provide a methodology how internationalisation plan will be done depending the capabilities and expertise of each TRACK partner.

The selected SMEs in frame of WP4 will receive support to internationalize their agrifood business plan until M24. The SMEs will be mentored for increasing their internationalisation capabilities process. Relevant mentoring tools and methodology of the consortium are selected based on the WP2 task analysis. The agrifood business plan of the selected SMEs were analysed to identify the companies needs for internationalisation. The identified needs were matched with the relevant mentoring tools and methodology the Consortium can provide during the process of International Mentoring.

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