Common strategy workshop for ECRI partners
The four European life science clusters that participate in the COSME-funded “Excellence Cluster for Regional Improvement”(ECRI) project had a workshop on July 12 and 13 hosted at the premises of the Centre Balears Europa in Brussels. The project partners come from four different countries with a different level of cluster excellence. The four consortia members are Bioib (Cluster biotecnològic i biomèdic de les Illes Balears); KLK (Klaster LifeScience Krakow); bioPmed (Piedmont Innovation Cluster); and HBio, (Hellenic BioCluster). The common objective of the ECRI project is to improve the performance of the four consortium clusters, achieve and maintain cluster excellence in order to strengthen the competitiveness of their actors and foster trans-cluster cooperatio.
The aim of the workshop was to discuss about future opportunities for collaboration between the consortium partners and to identify possible synergies in order to sustain the established partnership beyond the duration of the project. Based on the analysis of the individual strategic plans of the clusters, the consortium partners identified several common strategic lines. In addition to the common strategy workshop, the ECRI partners had a meeting with officials from COSME in order to assess the progress of the project and plan the implementation of the remaining tasks.
For more information about the ECRI Project click here.