Commercial mission to China for Natureef members

Submitted by Elisabeth Molina Sanchez on 27 June 2017

Sino-Europe Agro-Innovation Business Mission to China

From June 15-18, a European business delegation travelling under the COSME-funded Natureef Strategic Cluster Partnership program visited Beijing; Shijjiazhuang, Hebei; and Huai’an, Jiangsu, three bustling metropolises in China. The European delegation was comprised of a mix of companies from agriculture and clean energy related sectors, as well as managers from the Spanish (FEMAC), Danish (Agro Business Park), and Bulgarian (Green Synergy) Natureef cluster nodes. The delegation was supported as well by the Innovation Express and the Enterprise Europe Network, which are both supported by the European Commission’s COSME. On the Chinese side, the mission was supported by the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission; Government of Hebei Province Ministry of Science and Technology; and Government of Huai’an Municipality.  

Don't hesitate to read all the information about the mission in the document attached!

Cluster organisation
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