ClusterXchange program starts virtually!
The ClusterXchange program is a new pilot program to support short-term exchanges to better connect Europe’s industrial ecosystems. It aims to facilitate transnational cooperation, peer learning, networking and innovation uptake between actors of different industrial clusters.
An exchange constitutes a stay abroad performed by a visiting organisation from an eligible country at a host organisation in another eligible country. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, virtual exchanges are possible.
SafeSmartFood invites all interested cluster organizations, SMEs and Scaling-up support organizations to participate in the program.
Eligible participants interested in taking part in ClusterXchange, either as visiting or host organization, should apply via the ClusterXchange IT tool. This IT tool is used to manage all of the steps of participating in an exchange:
SafeSmartFood will provide support to the participants during the whole process. For further information about ClusterXchange program, return to: kristina.eder [at] (kristina[dot]eder[at]biz-up[dot]at)