Cluster Sofia Knowledge City signed a grant contract
On 22.11.2017 Cluster Sofia Knowledge City signed a Grant Contract BG16RFOP002-2.009 - Development of Clusters in Bulgaria under the Operational Program Innovation and Competitiveness. The contract is for the implementation of project № BG16RFOP002-2.009-0018-C01 - Creating Organizational Capacity and Development Strategy for Cluster Sofia City of Knowledge.
- Start of implementation: February 2018
- Duration: 18 months,
- Total project cost: BGN 438 722.00, incl. EU funding (ERDF) - BGN 298,330.96; National funding - BGN 52 646.64; Own contribution - BGN 87 744.40
- Project Objective and activities: The project is aimed at obtaining support for the development and strengthening of the organizational and administrative capacity of Cluster Sofia Кnowledge City and provides for implementation of 6 activities :
- Creation and resource security of the cluster's administrative body;
- Increasing the capacity of the administrative body to manage and coordinate the cluster through specialized training, international conference and exchange of experience on individual programs;
- Helping cluster development and attracting new members by organizing 3 public events - Information Day, International Conference and Exhibition for Innovation and Knowledge in Sofia;
- Promoting marketing and cluster promotion;
- Capacity building of the cluster and its members for cooperation.
- Publicity and visualization.
Expected results: Provided and trained personnel for cluster management and development; provided working premises and assets; secure presentation to customers and partners; developed strategy and master plan; platform with database; an internationalization expert; consultancy services received and a quality sign; assured participation of 60 representatives of the cluster in international meetings, exhibitions and forums.