Celebration of the 2nd General Meeting

Submitted by Elisabeth Molina Sanchez on 05 October 2016

The NATUREEF Partners met in Torres Novas, Portugal, to update on progress made in work packages over the first year and operationalise the workplan of the year ahead of the project.

The meeting was hosted by AGROCLUSTER, the cluster Partner in Portugal.

After a brief presentation, by the Project Coordinator, FEMAC, and the explication of the current status of WP 1 Project Management, Elisabeth Molina, gave the floor to the different Natureef Territorial Working Group Leaders in charge of the organization of clusters missions which are the following step in the achievement of the project objectives. Philippines and Latin America missions are ready to be launched, and the related study visits will be published in the following months.

All the details about the international conference organized under the project frame, were deeply discussed. Mr. Bastien, who is in charge of VIBE event went through the agenda, and marketing and promotion materials that would be edited for the occasion.

To conclude this day of work, ongoing joint publication projects were presented, under Work package 4. Mrs. Orsolya, leader of this work package, encouraged all the members to use more often the social media channels and other promotion sites what we have at our disposal.

NATUREEF Partners once more brought proof of their highly active involvement in the Project. The exchanges were particularly rich and fruitful.

Cluster organisation
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