Case study Kiwi Atlantico - Participation in the Innovation Tour Brazil

Submitted by Nicolas Machado on 11 December 2019

This is the first time we participated in an NF4 mission and it has been a very interesting experience. The meeting with the representatives of other associated groups was constructive and we had the opportunity to share visions, business ideas and contacts. We have made views in Sao Paulo especially the Food Tech Hub, the ITAL and the Food Tecnonogy Institute. In cursive we have visited TECPAR, and Meeting with various companies, where we have also made a presentation of ours and contacted possible collaborating companies.

We would never have decided to go to the FFT Summit if it were not for the NF4 grant.

The visit has allowed us, on the one hand, to meet different companies and associations of the food sector, as well as some supermarket companies that have given us an overview of what Brasil needs in terms of Kiwi and the business level to rely on not only if he sells kiwi to them, if not, above all for knowing his ability to develop kiwi cultivation in Brazil.

In addition to contacting different universities, agrifood associations, and companies, some even producing kiwi, we have been able to meet with officials of the Ministry of Agriculture of Paraná in Curitiva, who has advised us of the steps to be able to export from kiwi to Europe Brazil, as well as if we want to reach productive agreements in Brazil and then export to Europe.

We think that in the rather short future (1 to two years) we may be working with this country, especially in export.

When you try to access a new market, it is always difficult. The main reasons are obvious and quite basic, such as language and culture, but nonetheless they are very important. In addition, traveling abroad with few or no references is even more challenging. In this sense, having the opportunity to participate in a European mission with other new companies in the same situation facilitates the path. It is very important to keep track of established contacts to define if there is a possible company / collaboration ahead or not. This is the work we are currently doing and we hope to penetrate the Brazilian market before November 2020.

About Kiwi Atlantico: Kiwi Atlantico, is a society of more than 30 years old, dedicated to the production, conservation, classification and marketing mainly of Kiwi.

Although it is the main marketer producer of Spanish kiwi, most of Esapaña's production is marketed in the same country of origin, that is, in Spain.  With this trip, the company intends on the one hand to assess the option of producing kiwi in Brazil because it would allow for production in contrast and thus there would be fruit in Spain atlantic kiwi all year round and on the other hand to assess the option to cut kiwi from own production of Greci and Portugal (that of Spain is already marketed in Spain), and thus be able to pursue an increase in sales of European kiwi from own production and from associated producers.

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