bioXclusters plus SMEs will benefit from a Chinese Gateway through Fenglin Group

Submitted by Emilie ROMEO on 15 May 2017

This Monday, May 15th, representatives from bioXclusters plus and Fenglin Group sign a Gateway Agreement to offer free services and guidance for SMEs in their operations in China. Services will include assistance in market access, private investment, clinical trials and soft landing packages.

This Chinese Gateway Agreement has been signed with Fenglin Biomedical Center (BioFM), an innovation platform based in Xuhui Shanghai, part of Fengling Group, which owns four important biomedical parks in the Shanghai Area, including Juke Park (in Zhangjiang) and Shanghai Fenglin Life Healthcare Park. As set in the agreement, European companies of personalized medicine are eligible for BioFM consultation package, facilitating market entry and  cooperation partners identification in China. The Gateway Agreement also offers an attractive and very inexpensive infrastructure for European companies for short or long-lasting business visits in China located at Fenglin BioMedical Park in Shanghai, in which hospitals, medical research centers, as well as companies such as Shanghai Pharm and Quintiles IMS are established.

The Gateway Agreement signature took place in the frame of SEBP, Sino – Euro Bio Partnering conference in Shanghai, attended by companies and bio regions from China and Europe. The Conference provides a good opportunity to introduce innovations and initiatives “Made in Europe” in the life sciences and to identify complementary partners and synergies in Chinese market.

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