Basque and Portuguese companies discover first-hand the possibilities of the Brazilian energy market during their Brazil Mission
Between 7 and 10 November, the Basque Energy Cluster and EnergyIN (the energy cluster of Portugal) have participated in a mission to meet with Brazilian companies of the solar and biomass renewable energy industry, with the purpose of promoting and strengthening the internationalisation of these regions companies in this area. The mission has been carried out through the collaboration with the Low Carbon Business Action in Brazil (LCBA) European initiative, with the purpose of facilitating agreements between Brazilian and European companies and bodies in the Low Carbon domain and promote collaboration projects. REINA PLUS project and its partners have been co-organizators of this event.
The B2B meetings of the event were organised by Low Carbon Business Action in Brasil, LCBA and ELAN Network. Finally, 8 companies participating of both european clusters made the most of an intense interview schedule of individual meetings with about twenty local companies and agents.
The event included some speeches / presentations on the photovoltaic and biomass sectors, support programmes for EU-BR collaborations and financing matters.
In summary, the mission offered a vision of Brazil's sustained commitment to renewable energy sources and the opportunities existing in specific segments.
This mission will continue into 2017, with a probable reverse mission from Brazil to Europe in the first semester and a matchmaking event in Brazil in the second half of the year, with the participation in a Trade Show of the sector.
A consortium of European clusters led by the Basque Energy Cluster is developing the REINA PLUS project in 2016 and 2017, funded by the European Commission DG GROW within the "Clusters Go International" call of the COSME European Program. Together with the Basque Energy Cluster, the following clusters are participating in REINA PLUS: Merinova from Finland, OÖ, Energiesparverband from Austria and EnergyIn from Portugal.