And now, why not take a shower with 25L instead of 80...
Solable have a water heater technology who saves about 80-90% of energy for the shower, by recycling waste water heat.
This saves also about 10% of water by an immediate hot water feature.
But, we we can do more by using special shower heads, as Nebia or air-water products.
We can achieve a big saving in water by using a flow reduction, eg from 8l/mn to 3L/mn.
Who can help us to select this kind of device, with of course the necessary premium feeling maintained ?
One of our strentgh is the calcareous cancelation : as we never pit water over 40°C, the calcareous remain in diluted form, and never precipitate. We can so use a lot of shower head water savings solution with a minimal maintenance.
Every experience is welcome !
The maximum adressable target with LaDouche is : 1500w power input for a 2.5L/mn Nebia like shower head. This could give a confortable 5mn shower with only 12.5L of water and 0.1 kw/h, just a complete revolution..... !!!!
Ten showers would use 125L of water and ..... 1Kwh !!!!!! Your shower use about 60L of water and 3Kwh actually, just to give an overview of the gain...