Africa Energy Forum
Merinova, within the framework of REINA PLUS and with the cooperation of FINPRO Finland and Ministery of Economy and Employment, succeeded again in the organization of the AFRICA ENERGY FORUM on 21st of September 2016, in Helsinki.
The event gathered over 130 participants from the private and public energy sector. Its focus was on inviting relevant key actors mainly from the private sectors from the following target markets: Morocco (attendance: 1 company), Algeria (3 companies), Tunisia (3 companies and 1 organization), Namibia (1 company) and Tanzania (2 visitors).
The general focus of the AFRICA ENERGY FORUM was centered on the following points:
- Promote REINA PLUS activities and objectives among companies.
- Invite relevant key energy and business actors from the target market to network with the companies.
- Promote the regional and national development program and support related to internationalization of SMEs in Africa.
- Gather market information.
Cluster organisation