AEWEN consortium met with partner representatives from Senegal, Morocco and Tunisia
On the 24th, 26th and 27th of January 2022, partner representatives from Senegal, Morocco and Tunisia participated in three separate co-construction workshops (one for each country) organised by the AEWEN consortium. No less than 14 organisations were present to learn more about the project and to introduce their business specificities.
Within the AEWEN project, many activities will be pursued in collaboration with partners from these three countries. The workshops enabled to identify those activities and to engage in the co-construction process. The Senegalese, Moroccan and Tunisian partners shall play a key role in the project by helping to reach out to the companies in their countries, in supporting the organisation of the missions to Africa and Europe, as well as in contributing to joint online events.
The workshops were very interesting and productive to ensure a shared vision of the AEWEN project and to encourage the commitment of the partners. Further exchanges will follow the workshops with the aim of establishing long-term partnerships and to create a network of European and African stakeholders.
In order to establish continuous dialogue with the stakeholders, the members of the AEWEN project named one contact point for each country. TENERRDIS will ensure the relations with Senegal, while TWEED will exchange with Morocco and Environment Park with Tunisia. All the activities will be supported by CWP, also in charge of the dissemination.
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