An aerospace mission to Japan
Recently the French pôle de compétitivité Aerospace Valley has conducted a business delegation to Japan, in order to attend the « International Japan Aerospace Exhibition » held in Tokyo on October 12-15. This mission has been organized in the frame of the European project EACP ABROAD run under the COSME programme, (
The objective of the mission was to conduct a delegation of several European aerospace cluster managers (Niedersachsen Aviation, Hamburg Aviation, Eskisehir Aviation Cluster and Aerospace Valley) to Nagoya which is the main industrial city in Japan in the aerospace sector. An “International Cluster Symposium” was organized by the local stakeholders including the Nagoya-based C-ASTEC cluster. This so-called “fact-finding” mission has served to establish and foster contacts and to prepare major business events coming up in 2017. Indeed, both the Paris Le Bourget airshow in June and the Aeromart b2b-event in Nagoya in September 2017 will offer excellent opportunities for organizing business missions for SMEs.