AEI Tèxtils gets ready in Ireland to deploy key activities of xBUID-EU to support resilience development for textile industry
AEI Tèxtils, the Catalan cluster of Advanced Textile Materials, was last week in Ireland to review the progress and next steps for the xBUILD-EU Eurocluster project. xBUILD-EU - Cross-fertilization of industrial ecosystems in textile manufacturing and construction leveraging digital and advanced technologies to build up green and digital resilience in Europe – is one of the 30 flagship Euroclusters funded by the European Commission and coordinated by AEI Tèxtils.
In April, xBUILD-EU will launch its first call for proposals aimed at supporting SMEs in three key areas: innovation, acceleration of the green and digital transitions, and to support internationalization. The full details of the call, which will be jointly launch with EuroBoosTEX eurocluster call, will be presented on an open info-day on April 12th.
As part of the open call support activities, xBUILD-EU partners will organize a series of 5 bi-weekly webinars on Wednesdays, from March 29th onwards, with focus on digital solutions for textile and construction industry, green technologies and collaboration synergies facilitation.
In addition, AEI Tèxtils is also working on the development of a more resilient textile ecosystem through publication of dedicated reports developed for xBUILD-EU and EuroBoosTex projects.
During the stay in Ireland, cluster staff members participated in a team cluster capacity building activity to develop collaborative tools and workshops to support the resilience of the industrial ecosystems.
The training was facilitated by Christian Rangen, from Strategy Tools, who is a world-class trainer and coach for cluster development. For this training, both Euroclusters participated jointly to maximize the envisioned impact.
Euroclusters act as an ecosystem hub and as a collaborative environment to facilitate cluster collaboration, boosting opportunities for members of the cluster to bloom collaborations between enterprises, research institutes, policy makers and other institutions that promote innovation and provide SMEs access to new knowledge competencies, resources and markets.
AEI TÈXTILS and its members’ testimonial:
The xBUILD-EU partnership is led by AEI TÈXTILS in Catalonia with the participation of 2 additional clusters in the textile field: Textile Cluster from Portugal, ATEVAL from Valencia, a construction cluster CCS from Slovenia, and the advanced manufacturing cluster IDEAM from Ireland (part of the Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest). xBUILD-EU main objective is to support the adaptation of green and digital transition through cross-sectoral collaboration. xBUILD-EU will launch a series of open calls with a total funding of 1.05M€ in 2023 and 2024 to support innovation, adoption of green and digital technologies and to go international.
About EuroBoosTEX
The EuroBoosTEX partnership is led by ATEVAL from Valencia, with the participation of 4 additional textile clusters: AEI TÈXTILS in Catalonia, Textile Cluster from Portugal, TECHTERA from France, and NTT from Italy. It will also launch cascade funding calls to support innovation, adoption of green and digital technologies and to go international with a total budget of 1,05M€ as well.
More information:
Dra. Ariadna Detrell
Telf.: +34 608 864 754 / e-mail: adetrell [at] (adetrell[at]textils[dot]cat) · · ·