AdPack’s 3rd working mission at InterPack Fair and Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV in Germany
AdPack’s 3rd working mission was held in Germany from 8th until 12th of May 2017.
During this working mission, at 9th and 10th of May, AdPack’s partnership had the opportunity to visit the InterPack Fair – the biggest international fair packaging and related industrial processes. Joining more than 170.000 visitors, the consortium identified several solutions in the packaging sector presented by more than 2.800 companies that exhibited their innovations in the packaging sector, and also related to smart and advanced packaging.
It was possible to see the growing trends regarding the production of package solution that interact with the consumer, especially in the way that they share information about the product, or even packages that interact with their own content. Some examples are packages that use QR code to provide additional information, or thermosensitive labels, among many other solutions. Several trends in the exhibition meet the basic principles of AdPack. As a result, we noticed a broad promotion of bio-degradable and bio-based materials. We have also noted also that a complete hall (N°5) was entirely dedicated to the industry 4.0 which integrates the principles of sustainable development and connectivity that is very useful in the labelling of food products.
This was a great opportunity not only to know what is being developed in the sector of smart and advanced packaging, but also to make many contacts with international enterprises and R&D institutions and promote AdPack’s project and partnership.
On 11th of May, AdPack consortium was invited to visit the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV, an European institution with high relevance in the investigation and development of food and beverages and also in the development of food packaging solutions. The visit programme included the presentation of AdPack’s project and the clusters and entities represented and a meeting to discuss the possibility of future cooperation activities with the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV.
During this working mission, the partners had also the opportunity to revise the implementation of the project and readjust strategies to the successful development of the tasks foreseen in the project’s work plan for the next months.