About 130 professionals from the Sector have already participated in the Lean Team Leader Training Program

Submitted by Borja Dapena González on 07 December 2017

The CEAGA Corporate University closed this morning the eighth edition of the “Team Leader Lean” development Programme with a practical visit to the plant of Benteler Automotive Vigo. 

In this visit, the participants had the opportunity to know the whole production process, with special emphasis on continuous improvement and the figure of Team Leader. On the other hand, they were also able to see firsthand 4.0 innovations such as AGVs or paperless management.

In this training programme participated about 130 professionals of the Cluster companies in ten different groups. The students were Team Leaders and team supervisors with experience in the position or potentials Team Leaders, which have a fundamental role in the deployment of Lean Manufacturing.

Next year new groups will be called, due to the demand of this training by the professionals of the Sector and, in addition, it is planned to launch one in Ourense to bring training to the companies that are located there.

With this initiative, the CEAGA Corporate University carries out more trainings on the sites of the Cluster member companies, which is a clear example and benchmark of real “learning in collaboration”, and it also pretends to reinforce the industrial culture of the Sector and the search of the excellence in the Galician automotive.

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