6th EPSI Annual Conference

Submitted by Alberto Bichi on 02 November 2017

On November 21st the European Platform for Sports Innovation (EPSI) will celebrate the 6th European Platform for Sport Innovation Conference: “Sport as a driver for Industrial Modernisation and Economic Growth”.

The conference will take place in ACCIÓ premises: Rue de la Loi 227, 1000, Brussels (Belgium).


·         Business creation and acceleration in sports;

·         Funding opportunities within the sport sector;

·         Sport  contributing to the economic growth

·         Relevance of sport clusters

·         Sport as a thematic area in the Smart Specialisation Strategies of the regions;

Please find the program and registration form in the document attached

*For your information, the EU4Sports Clusters Alliance Final Conference, will be hosted in the same  premises on the 22nd November 2017, i.e. the day after. For more information contact assistant1 [at] epsi.eu (assistant1[at]epsi[dot]eu)

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