Up to 60k for BioPharma-SMEs: Call for Proposals opens on March 15th 2017
PERMIDES - Open Call for Proposals for Financial Support
Scope: Proposals should address innovation barriers and challenges of the biopharmaceutical value chain in the area of personalized medicine by means of digitalization solutions.
Target group: The voucher funding scheme of PERMIDES is aimed at SMEs from the biopharmaceutical sector developing novel personalized medicine products and solutions (e.g. biotech/medtech companies, diagnostics companies, CROs, biobank companies, bioinformatic companies). Only biopharma SMEs, together with IT SMEs, according to the EU definition and established in one of the EU Member States or Associated Countries can submit the proposals for funding provided by PERMIDES. To be eligible for funding, project teams need to consist of one biopharma SME as main applicant/beneficiary and at least one IT SME as service provider. Potential project team partners can be found via the PERMIDES platform offering the need-vs-expertise-based matchmaking of companies from the biopharmaceutical and IT sector.
Types of Vouchers: PERMIDES offers different types of vouchers to SMEs allowing them to tackle and solve challenges at specific levels of complexity. Each SME can apply for multiple vouchers but is restricted to the maximum value of each voucher type as detailed in the table below:
Type |
Value per voucher |
Purpose |
Travel Voucher |
up to € 1,800 (international) up to € 200 (national) |
SMEs taking part in the matchmaking events and workshops offered by the PERMIDES project are eligible for applying for Travel Vouchers which are differentiated between national and international travels. A Biopharma or IT SME can apply for multiple Travel Vouchers. The cumulative amount available via Travel Vouchers per SME is limited to € 6,000. A Travel Voucher will be awarded to a company, not to a single employee of a company. If a company sends more than one employee to a project-related event, the travel costs for all of these employees have to be added together and applied for via one single Travel Voucher application. |
Consultancy Voucher |
up to € 5,000 |
A biopharma SME can make use of an individual consultation by an IT SME, regarding a specific challenge in its value chain that could be improved via IT. A Biopharma SME can apply for multiple Consultancy Vouchers. The cumulative amount available via Consultancy Vouchers per biopharma SME is limited to € 12,000. |
Innovation Voucher |
up to € 60,000 |
A biopharma SME will receive a customised IT solution adapted to its specific competitive situation. A biopharma SME can apply for multiple Innovation Vouchers. The cumulative amount available via vouchers per biopharma SME is limited to € 60,000. |
Evaluation criteria: Proposals will be reviewed by a panel of PERMIDES consortium members and external experts based on the following criteria:
• Innovation Level
• Technical Feasibility
• Resource Capacities
• Partner Competence
• Fitness to Industry Needs
Publication Date: March 15th, 2017
Evaluation Deadlines: May 15th, August 31st & November 15th, 2017 (17:00 CET)
Time from application to project initiation: Up to 3 months
Maximum duration of an innovation project: 6 months
All funded projects finalized by: June 15th, 2018
Indicative budget allocation for each deadline: Approx. 1 million Euro
Maximum funding: Biopharma SMEs can avail benefits from this call for obtaining vouchers up to a maximum of € 60,000. IT SMEs can collaborate with various biopharma SMEs in multiple projects, and are not affected by € 60,000 limit. Please note that biopharma SMEs are the beneficiaries of the innovation projects and the costs involved in providing the services by IT SMEs will be funded and paid to IT SMEs by PERMIDES.
Submission language: English
Project full name: Personalised Medicine Innovation through Digital Enterprise Solutions
Project acronym: PERMIDES
Call identifier: INNOSUP PERMIDES
Call title: PERMIDES - Open Call for Proposals for Financial Support
Grant agreement number: 691546
Web address for full open call information: http://permides.eu/
Web address for proposal submissions: http://permides.eu/apply-now/
Contact us: http://permides.eu/contacts/