5 members of AEI Tèxtils awarded 180k EUR in funding from the 2nd call of GALACTICA for their innovation projects
GALACTICA, a project led by AEI Tèxtils aiming at promoting innovation across the aerospace, textile and advanced manufacturing sectors, completed the evaluation of the 84 proposals received during the second call that involved 152 SMEs, and select the 25 best projects to be funded with grants of up to €20,000 for 11 pioneer acceleration and up to €100,000 for 14 orbital projects.
The evaluation has been carried out along April by external experts in the fields of textile, advanced manufacturing, aerospace and innovation. GALACTICA has recently informed applicants about the final ranking list. Spain has been the country with most SMEs funded (20) out of the 46 SMEs beneficiaries, followed by Germany (7) and Italy (6). In total, GALACTICA has awarded 1,61M€ in this second call.
AEI Tèxtils’ members have highly benefited from GALACTICA project, particularly in the 2nd call where 5 members have been granted their strategic innovation projects to transform their business in collaboration with either advanced manufacturing or aerospace sector as means for increased competitiveness.
The projects selected within AEI Tèxtils members for the second call include the 4 Pioneer Acceleration projects by Texfire Technical Fabrics, Maccion, Fello and Tritutats La Canya. Each of them will receive 20k€ in lump-sum grant. In addition, CINPASA has obtained an Orbital project with a grant of over 98k€.
These 5 members add on the list of beneficiaries from the 1st call with 2 Pioneer Acceleration projects by POLISILK and CINPASA, and one Orbital project by E.CIMA.
Overall, GALACTICA is supporting more than 110 companies with over 2.95M€ with different mechanisms including collaborative projects under Orbital Projects, individual innovation projects under Pioneer Acceleration, travel vouchers to join learning expeditions and matchmakings, and through prizes awarded in the two hackathons.
AEI Tèxtils positively evaluates the implication of the cluster members in the different activities of GALACTICA and their success in both open calls with cumulative grants awarded over 300k€.
GALACTICA is a key strategic project by AEI Tèxtils to promote technological innovation and new business models as a driver of growth and competitiveness of SMEs in the sector. It serves to promote cooperation among partners and with other innovative systems such as aerospace and advanced manufacturing. Its strong cross-sectorial approach enables the generation of business opportunities and cross-sectoral innovation, promoting transversal cooperation to develop novel applications and markets.