11 European partners from 3 industrial ecosystems join forces to support SMEs in their transition towards industry 5.0

Submitted by Borja Dapena González on 01 June 2022

Logo SURE5.0_Mesa de trabajo 1

A consortium formed by 11 partners from 8 different countries (France, Spain, Austria, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Estonia and Greece) will work during the next 3 years in the European project SURE 5.0 “Supporting the smes sUstainaibility and REsilience transition towards industry 5.0 in the mobility, transport & automotive, aerospace and electronics European ecosystems”, supported by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe programme.
The main objective is to support SMEs from the Civil Transportation (MTA and aerospace & defence) and Electronics ecosystems to integrate in their manufacturing processes the industry 5.0 principles, in order to become more human-centric, sustainable and resilient. For this aim, the project will foster the adoption and deployment of advanced technologies as well as the consideration of social innovation practices that will facilitate their twin transition (digital and green).
Through the different activities promoted under SURE 5.0, SMEs could benefit from: assessment reports, webinars, access to the project community, networking and peer- learning events, tailored services and most importantly, financial support for their 5.0 projects, provided through the launch of FSTP open calls.
In terms of expected project results and impact, 1,000 SMEs will be involved in the project activities, 700 will be assessed, 90 will be supported with services from the partners and 53 will receive financial support.
Behind the project there is a consortium carefully selected, with cluster organizations, RTOs, universities and business innovation centres as members, being able to offer cross-border high level expertise in various domains of competence and the best value to SMEs.
The consortium partners are:
▪ Aerospace Valley (AV, France)
▪ Fundación Cluster de Empresas de Automoción de Galicia (CEAGA, Spain)
▪ Silicon Alps Cluster GmbH (SAC, Austria)
▪ Fraunhofer IPT (Germany)
▪ F6S Network Ireland Limited (F6S, Ireland)
▪ Asociación de Investigación Metalúrgica del Noroeste (AIMEN, Spain)
▪ Associazione Nazionale Filiera Industria Automobilistica (ANFIA, Italy)
▪ Iniziativa Cube (INIZIATIVA, Italy)
▪ EIT Manufacturing West (EITM, Spain)
▪ Tallinna Tehnikaülikool (TalTech, Estonia)
▪ Athena Research Center/Corallia clusters Initiative Unit (CORALLIA, Greece).
On June 15th and 16th, the consortium will hold the project kick-off meeting in Bordeaux (France), with the aim of reviewing the different work packages and tasks and coordinating the steps to be taken during the first six months.

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