SPAIN: Webinar on Deep Tech revolution during the COVID-19 crisis
The exceptional situation generated by the COVID-19 Pandemic has caused great concern about its negative impact on the health of individuals and companies. The confinement through self-isolation stage has been marked by great interrogations that governments and citizens are responding to as the weeks go by; however, the business world needs anticipation, vision, and planning to succeed in the face of so much uncertainty. Many challenges are foreseen to be faced by companies and workers after the confinement stage has ceased. The remaining question will be on:
- how to preserve public health facing the return to social mobility;
- what measures can be taken to strengthen health and safety issues;
- how can a company become digitised in order to have all the information on facilities and processes in real-time;
- should more importance be given to connected solutions at home;
- should telemedicine and online educational resources be promoted;
- can the existing infrastructures support the interconnection of data and digitalisation of processes on a larger scale; and
- can security be attained for the public without losing freedom.
To address these doubts, a free webinar in English has been organised by SECPHO on the 19th of May (12:00 - 14:00 CEST) to go deeper into the advancement and application of Deep Tech solutions because it is the core belief that companies of advanced technology or deep tech are capable of helping in resolving many of the questions and provide necessary resources to adapt to the Post-COVID-19 Pandemic normality. The webinar will have presentations from experts in Spain for the target audience of technicians and Innovation Managers of companies in areas such as Telecommunications, Defence and Aerospace, Automotive, Railway, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Agro-food, etc.; and Researchers from R+D centres and from expert companies in photonic technologies and other Deep Tech. The webinar will be recorded and published on the SECPHO Youtube Channel.
To read more on the Deep Tech revolution and sign up for the webinar, please click here.