RWTH Is Developing Simple Ventilators for Emergency Situations
An interdisciplinary team of RWTH Aaachen University scientists is developing a very simple ventilator for patients infected with coronavirus. These are only to be used as a last resort, when hospitals or emergency care facilities are over capacity.
The device automatically widely available bag valve masks, so-called Ambu bags, which are normally used for manual resuscitation. In addition to the Ambu Bags, plastic parts from the 3D printer, an electric engine, power supply, and a few small parts – for example screws – are required to build such ventilators. A standard FDM 3D printer with a build plate measuring at least 20 by 20 centimeters is all that is required to produce the plastic parts.
A ventilator can be built in one day. This means volunteers with access to a 3D printer could also quickly produce a large number of them. The construction guide is available on the CORESPONSE project website, where volunteers who have a 3D printer can also register.
The article was pubslihed on website here.