New testing service for the validation of face masks for medical use

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 27 March 2020

The Cluster OTIR2020-TFC - Next Technology Tecnotessile announces that CEQ - Centro Eccellenza Qualità Laboratory, established in 1998 as a joint initiative of the Industrial Association of Pistoia (now Confindustria Toscana Nord), the Chamber of Commerce of Pistoia and the Municipality of Monsummano Terme, acquired by the research centre Next Technology Tecnotessile in 2018, following the current health emergency at national and global level, has activated in extremely short time a new internal laboratory to provide the validation tests for medical facial masks, necessary for the release of the authorization by the Italian ISS - Istituto Superiore di Sanità and also for the possible CE marking as medical devices (the latter will be the only allowed procedure after the emergency has ceased). The tests are carried out in absolute compliance with the methods of the European reference standard UNI EN 14683 - Requirements for face masks for medical use.

The effort made by the technicians of CEQ laboratory since the beginning of the emergency represents a fundamental support to the companies of our territory and of other Italian and European regions in facing the challenge imposed by the pandemic, and, above all, a concrete help to the sanitary personnel, to whom, besides the thanks for the effort made during this period, the possibility to wear safe and validated devices is guaranteed.

The new service is active since today and is the result of a joint effort with the CERTEMA laboratory and other regional and national structures, which have worked tirelessly to support the initiative of CEQ technicians

But the activity of the CEQ laboratory does not stop here: the next step is to extend the service to the tests necessary for the validation of medical PPEs, given the lack of laboratory facilities for the validation of protective devices.

The laboratory CEQ website is updated with instructions and technical specifications for the testing service (in Italian for the moment, but the English version will be available soon)., +39 0572 954552, lab [at] (lab[at]ceq[dot]it), +39 0574 634040, services [at] (services[at]tecnotex[dot]it)

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