New digital tools are key to being productive and to reaching your clients in the current context of uncertainty

Submitted by Alina Danielescu Chirlomez on 26 March 2020

Second Webinar organized by Packaging Cluster where new methodologies for teleworking and new ways of relating directly to our target audience have been presented

The Packaging Clusterwith 3D Click, has organized the second Webinar on how to continue working online with your clients, in the current context of confinement, without losing productivity and reaching new users and markets. The session had the collaboration of the Consulting Ekselia PartnersClúster de Innovación de Envase y Embalaje of Valencia and Plataforma Tecnológica Española de Envase y Embalaje, Packnet.

The dynamic of the conference was similar to last one on Thursday, 19th of March, where the economic measures adopted on the occasion of COVID-19, which affected companies in the first instance, were explained. In this sense, the Catalan Clusters have joined forces to respond to relevant aspects of business management given the conjuncture of uncertainty and slowdown in activity, through the transfer of knowledge between collaborating entities with a specific webinar program.

The welcome and explanation of the session were carried out by: Jesús PerezCluster manager of Clúster del Envase y EmbalajeBelén GarciaDirector of Packnet and Mireia AndreuProject Manager of Packaging Cluster, which have moderated the session.

Enrico NebbiaFounding Partner of Ekselia Partners, was the first to present his work on changes and trends in sales under the digital impulse. In his speech, Enrico commented on how the digital transformation has impacted the relationship between buyers and sellers, who have a lot of communication channels and large amounts of information to exploit. And is that “75% of customers say that buying from a website is more convenient than buying through a seller and 93% prefer to buy online when they have decided what to buy,” says Enrico.

The number of traditional sellers is decreasing and new highly effective digital tools are emerging, such as Artificial Intelligence, CRM, … and sales figures, such as: Inside Sales, Customer Success or Sales Enablement, which offer solutions that add value to the transformation of all the available data into useful information.

On the other hand, Débora AlasrakiCEO of 3D Click , and Sergio MartínSales & Communication of 3D Click, presented their digital tools for prototyping packaging design, easy, collaborative and in 3D: their 360º plan and Instapack 3D. Given the complexity of the current process, the new ways of working that the platform allows are simple and agile, saving time and effort for companies in the sector. In addition, the ease of “online” opens new markets and breaks numerous barriers, generating knowledge for the industry since the modus operandi is fully collaborative.

The 3D Click team also presented a success story, which was promoted by Packaging Cluster. Also, 3D Click gives webinar attendees the opportunity to use their two tools for free for a month.

Speakers answered all the questions from the more than 70 Webinar participants.

The aim of this type of sessions is “to stimulate the feeling of community and cooperation between companies as a formula to achieve shared objectives.” The cluster joins forces with the entire ecosystem that forms the Packaging Cluster (partner companies, clusters, technology centers, administration and collaborating entities) to support each other in the current situation and generate more creative and innovative initiatives if possible. 

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