FRANCE: Actions taken by clusters to fight COVID-19 pandemic

Submitted by Tedora Aibu on 08 May 2020

French clusters have been mobilising their teams and networks to contribute and develop innovative solutions to fight the  COVID-19 pandemic. Many cosmetic, agri-food and textile clusters are diversifying their activities in order to produce medical equipment such as masks and hydroalcoholic gels or implementing platforms to draw up an inventory of companies and hospitals' needs. Digital clusters also played their parts in making sure all of those who needed to work from home or develop digital solutions to keep working were rightfully equipped. In the 'France Clusters' last international newsletter published in April 2020, examples of how French clusters are contributing were detailed. Below are a few examples:

  • Cluster Mecabourg (mechanics, metal-works and industrial CARROSSERIE sectors, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region) has donated of 700 FFP2 masks to the Fleyriat hospital complex in Bourg-en-Bresse.
  • Cluster Silver Valley (silver economy field, Île de France region) offered solutions to improve the day-to-day of autonomous and dependant seniors who are isolated during the confinement period, as well as that of their carers.
  • Cluster Polepharma (pharmaceuticals and health sector, Centre – Val de Loire – Île de France - Normandy regions) has published a press release calling the government to address the question of French sanitary independence. The business cluster also called on its members to urgently source medical protection equipment (e.g. masks, and hydro-alcoholic gel).

To read more about more French clusters that have been contributing to the struggle against COVID-19 pandemic, please click here

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