Catalan clusters join forces to support companies against the effects of COVID-19
Catalan clusters boost competitiveness, internationalization and innovation among 2,300 companies. Now they are joining forces and promoting a platform to share information and offer cross-cutting services that allow them to address the effects of the COVID-19 crisis among their members.
In this sense, the next few weeks we will also hold online seminars on telework, financing, legal and regulatory aspects and business competitiveness, as Packaging Cluster informs in their article.
Catalan clusters join efforts to help companies overcome these moments of uncertainty and stop activity due to the COVID-19 crisis by promoting an online platform where it will be possible to share queries, questions and resources and the launch of an online training program for companies.
This program begins with four seminars in webinar format, lasting 60 to 90 minutes, which will subsequently continue with new proposals aimed at transferring information on aspects relevant to business management in the context of the situation arising from the pandemic of COVID-19. At the end of each performance, participants will be able to ask questions and resolve doubts.
The actions aim to stimulate the feeling of community and cooperation between companies as a formula to achieve shared goals.
In the first webinar an expert will address the issue of teleworking and human resources, focusing on how to reorganize processes, how to prioritize the health and well-being of workers and clients, and what procedures must be taken to process labor measures.
The second seminar will focus on public and private financing, aids and liquidity for companies. In this session, the specific financing lines will be detailed, such as deferring the payment of taxes or how to guarantee liquidity.
The third one will be on legal and regulatory aspects. The program plans to address legal issues regarding contracts with clients, suppliers and insurance companies, supply guarantees and indications on how to implement and benefit from the measures approved by the government.
Finally, there will be a seminar on business competitiveness through digitization and Big Data.
About clusters: Clusters are non-profit organizations that group companies and entities that operate in the same sector or market segment, and that collaborate with each other to achieve more and better business opportunities. Currently 2,300 companies and agents from the environment are part of 30 clusters in Catalonia, which represent 30% of the economy’s GDP (74,000 million euros in aggregate turnover). Cluster-associated organizations generate more than 300,000 jobs. According to data released by ACCIÓ, 76% of cluster member companies say that being part of these organizations makes them more competitive, while 91% invests in R+D and innovation.